Brand Guidelines

This style guide is a reference tool for anyone involved in the creation of visual content & communications for parcHAUS program. This guide shows how to apply a consistent look & feel to all branded assets.

This style guide is a continually evolving set of guidelines for the brand. As the brand naturally evolves, guidelines will be updated HERE to ensure that the brand identity is clearly defined.
The public is constantly bombarded with a stream of messages and visual content—on a continually expanding number of devices and platforms. A brand identity is the key to establishing brand recognition and credibility. Practicing these guidelines helps connect with target audiences and establishes brand credibility. Followed consistently, it communicates a distinct message and ensures that the brand is quickly identified.


parcHAUS Logo
parcHAUS Logo
parcHAUS Logo
parcHAUS Logo


  • Do use the full logo on external assets to ensure brand awareness
  • Don't display the full logo next to the mark— they are intended to be used separately

logo text Treatment



  • lowercase parc
  • uppercase HAUS


Primary Colors
The primary color palette should be used in all branded content.
Dark Navy
RGB 250,236,228
CMYK 100, 80, 42, 37
Pantone 540 C
RGB 198,170,118
CMYK 13, 25, 52, 6
Pantone 466 C
Lightest Grey
RGB 242,242,242
CMYK 3, 2, 2, 0
Almost Black
RGB 17,17,17
CMYK 73, 67, 66, 83
Secondary Colors
The secondary color palette is only intended to be used for small elements as accent colors
RGB 250,236,228
CMYK 100, 80, 42, 37
Pantone 540 C
Blue Green
RGB 79,117,139
CMYK 69, 32, 20, 16
Pantone 5405 C
RGB 115,123,76
CMYK 41, 23, 69, 31
Pantone 5763 C
Light Grey
RGB 235,235,235
CMYK 6, 4, 4, 0
RGB 209,209,209
CMYK 15, 11, 12, 0
Dark Grey
RGB 125,125,125
CMYK 49, 41, 41, 5
Darkest Grey
RGB 51,51,51
CMYK 69, 62, 61, 52

Graphic Elements

accent word

Style guide

accent text
Family: Futura PT
Weight: 400 - Normal
Letter-spacing: 3px
Color: Blue

H1 Heading

Family: Futura PT
Weight: 400 - Normal
Size: 40px
Line-height: 45px
Letter-spacing: 2px
Text-Transform: Uppercase

H2 Heading

Family: Futura PT
Weight: 400 - Normal
Size: 32px
Line-height: 36px
Letter-spacing: 2px
Text-Transform: Uppercase

H3 Heading

Family: Futura PT
Weight: 400 - Normal
Size: 30px
Line-height: 40px
Letter-spacing: 0px

H4 Heading

Family: Futura PT
Weight: 500 - Medium
Size: 18px
Line-height: 24px
Letter-spacing: 2px
Text-Transform: Uppercase
H5 Heading
Family: Futura PT
Weight: 600 - Semi Bold
Size: 14px
Line-height: 20px
Letter-spacing: 0px
H6 Heading
Family: Futura PT
Weight: 700 - Bold
Size: 14px
Line-height: 18px
Letter-spacing: 1px
Text-Transform: Uppercase
Block Quote
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl partem dolorem ei vim. Mel inciderint reprehendunt in, no primis possim vis, at vim illum suscipit."
Family: Futura PT
Weight: 400 - Normal
Size: 18px
Line-height: 24px
Letter-spacing: 0px
Paragraph text block
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl partem dolorem ei vim. Mel inciderint reprehendunt in, no primis possim vis, at vim illum suscipit. Mutat oratio sea cu, mel porro veniam constituto ut. Has saepe quaeque an, pri oblique adolescens interesset in, cum eu suas vocibus tractatos. At facer quaeque moderatius sed, eam dolor consequuntur ea.
Family: Futura PT
Weight: 400 - Normal
Size: 14px
Line-height: 20px
Letter-spacing: 0px
Rich Text Element

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

  • unordered list item
  • unordered list item
  • unordered list item
  1. ordered list item
  2. ordered list item
  3. ordered list item


  • Do use a combination of uppercase and lowercase
  • Do use only approved colors
  • Do use only the approved typefaces
  • Do align text in body copy flush left and ragged right
  • Do use gold color to emphasize text
  • Don't change kerning when setting headlines or copy
  • Don't distort the typefaces
  • Don't  use all uppercase for long bodies of text

web elements


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